Tag Archives: white tee shirts

My Very Wild Night

5 Oct

As some of you may know, the Crecomm Marker Social recently took place this previous weekend! Unfortunately, I literally only got to spend an entire half hour there. This also happened to be my first night getting drunk, and what the night it was.

It started out fine, I left my house to pick up my two friends, Faye* and Ivory*, who I had invited to come with me to the social, one would be the DD for the night. We probably should have gotten an earlier start, but I left a tad late, and didn’t take into account how long of a drive it was from where we live (a small rural community) to a much farther away district of Winnipeg.

But before we went to the social, we had gone pre-gaming at Martina’s* house. Decked out in our fresh white tee shirts and new Sharpie markers, we joined the small party.

When we arrived, the host, Martina and one other person were there. So we three joined them and talked until the next guests arrived, at which point we went into the house. We started off the night strong, tequila for our first shots, followed by shots of vanilla vodka. I took them pretty well, I would say, but that also might be due to the fact I got a cold that day and couldn’t really smell anything. Guess I’ll find out next time…

Of course once we started taking shots, that’s when the drawing began, and the drunken dancing of course. Every pre-game needs a playlist, and ours happened to be one from Songza, only what can be described as a ’90s pre-gaming rap music. What that is, I can’t say. All I do know is that it was fun.

At one point our party moved back outside, half of us to the back yard, half to the front. My two friends and I moved to the front yard, where Ivory watched as Faye and I attempted to climb a tree. We succeeded. We also succeeded in being very loud, which resulted in several attempts to make us be quiet before finally removing us from the tree.

Once back inside there was more dancing until the taxi cab arrived, at about 10 pm. From there Martina and the others took the cab over to the pub while Isabel* and Coralee* chose to ride with myself, Faye and Ivory.

Being from a rural town, my friends and I don’t know Winnipeg all that well, never mind downtown Winnipeg, which is why we tried to follow the cab.  Sadly though, due to a red light, we were separated and I had to navigate on my iPhone  drunk, for my DD, Ivory. It actually turned out better than what one would have expected. I was doing pretty decently, and we found our way there. What did go wrong was that there was so parking and so we were forced to circle around and  struggle to find our way back and then try to look for parking once more.

Only we didn’t get that far, Coralee, sitting in the middle of the back seat, while we are driving shouts “I gotta puke.” And so, Faye, sitting on Coralee’s left, swings open the door halfway while we are moving so Coralee can lean over and puke outside of the moving vehicle. Naturally this strikes a chord in Faye, and she begins puking as well.

Eventually they close the door and are content to puking just out the window, and onto the side of my car. What joy. Meanwhile during all this commotion, Ivory swings us into a nearby Shopper’s Drugmart parking lot. She was also beginning to feel nausea at this point too, but she was a trooper and kept it down.

When we parked Isabel jumps out and begins to puke her guts out by my tire, and Faye and Coralee continue puking a little more out the door. After everyone is finished puking, both Faye and Coralee want to call their parents and go home, and Isabel wants to go to the pub very badly.

So Ivory, the only sober person, began texting and calling trying to figure out how to get rides for everyone else, since we couldn’t very well drive everyone home. I took on the responsibility of looking after the other drunk people.

Faye and Coralee were easy, they basically passed out in the backseat asleep for the most part, I assumed they exhausted from all the puking.

Isabel on the other hand, wanted very much to run away to the pub. She also needed to pee and was also very very drunk. So I decided we should look in Shopper’s to see if they have a bathroom. Of course they wouldn’t, but one does have to try in situations like these. I stood up as straight and proper as I could, grabbed Isabel by the hand and proceeded to drag her around the entire store while she stumbled along and spat every few feet inside the store. I, trying to look as sober as possible, lectured her to be a lady and stop spitting before we got arrested for public intoxication.

[Side note: While in the store we saw the nice woman who had seen us in the parking lot. She bought us water for those who had been busy puking in the backseat. She was a very lovely woman for helping us]

After Shopper’s Drugmart being a bust on the bathroom front, I dragged Isabel across the parking lot to a conveniently located Starbucks. They did have bathrooms, thank heavens. While Isabel was relieving herself, I realized I need to go as well, but ended up having to hold it, otherwise Isabel would most likely have tried to run off by herself, which while in the middle of the night in Osborne is not a great idea.

Once that ordeal was dealt with, it was pretty much just waiting around until everyone’s rides showed up and more stressful, panicked phone calls. Things weren’t quite that dull though.

While waiting, Faye still felt pretty awful, so she went outside of the car to sit against the driver’s door and get some air. Obviously that’s when the police decide to show up suddenly, passing through the cramped parking lot. They pause and consider stopping, almost pulling into one of the empty spots close to us. They stop and think again, this time actually pulling in and stopping to talk to us.

They were luckily only concerned about Faye sitting outside of the car, on the ground in the parking lot, worrying that someone might pull in and run her over, so since Ivory couldn’t get out of the car since Faye was against the driver’s door, I jumped out of the car to stand next to her for the cops.

Just then, a red truck appears and Faye dad is there to pick her up, just in time! Thank goodness. She leaps to her feet suddenly, saying “Thanks so much for your concern but my dad is here now!” and jumps in the truck. The police, satisfied  things are okay, leave. Her dad checks on us to make sure we have everything else handled before they drive Faye home.

Shortly after that, our friend arrives to take Isabel to the pub so we don’t have to worry about losing her or letting her escape. Coralee’s mom then followed to pick her up and take her home. From there Ivory and myself are left in the parking lot unsure what to do and discussing things with her mom on the phone, who is very concerned.

After a conversation of a few more minutes, we finally decide on actually going to the pub. When we finally arrive, there is one parking spot in their lot that we instantly take. By then the time is 12:45 am roughly and we had to wait another 10 or 15 minutes in line to get into the building.

While waiting in line, there are actually quite a few people going in who don’t know what the event is and ask me to explain, which I do quite brazenly, thinking “Why haven’t you heard of this?!” Being semi-drunk (I think I had sobered up a bit dealing with all the mayhem) at that time I didn’t realize they wouldn’t have a clue about the event, never mind what it was for.

I was still slightly intoxicated though, so when I saw a guy in line behind us, I didn’t hesitate on complimenting him on the unicorn drawn on his shirt and start talking to him. Apparently he had pre-pre-gamed. Soon enough we were all let in. I think I was the only one who wasn’t frisked.

Once inside it was probably close to 1 am and I didn’t recognize many faces there, assuming everyone from our section had already come and gone. The few people we did see however were very drunk, and therefore also hilarious. I finally got to use the restroom and then we took some time dancing and I got bought a shot! It was a Burt Reynolds, so the guy drew a mustache on my shirt in honour of that.

Soon after, Ivory and I went home, where I then finally got to see everything people had been writing on my back. There was quite a bit for only pre-gaming and being at the pub for a half hour surprisingly. Now we all have lovely decorated shirts, with varying levels of inappropriateness drawn all over.Pretty sure I’ll keep that shirt forever, cause I find it especially hilarious and it’s a great token of my first night on the town!<3

The only downside to the night was picking up my car the next day. There was more puke that had gotten in than I realized, and I had to clean it… Next time anyone who pukes in my car, you will be cleaning up it if there’s any substantial amounts. You have been warned.

Also very glad I did not puke. I’m happy my night was so exciting, especially since it makes up for having to wait to drink. And that is the story of my very crazy first time getting drunk.

* please note all names used have been changed.

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